Ancient Wisdom, Modern Serenity

At our spa, we believe in honoring ancient wisdom while providing you with a modern spa experience. Cupping Massage is a beautiful fusion of tradition and serenity that offers a unique way to relax and rejuvenate.

The Art of Cupping

Cupping is an ancient form of alternative medicine that involves the use of small, specially designed cups placed on the skin to create a gentle suction. This suction, combined with the skilled touch of our massage specialists, produces a unique and highly intensive vacuum to aid with the release of muscle adhesions and knots.


Improved Circulation and Detoxification

The cups promote improved circulation and help the body detoxify by stimulating the lymphatic system. The gentle suction of the cups lifts and separates muscle fibres, allowing for increased blood flow and oxygenation, which aids in the release of stubborn knots and tightness.

It also helps to reduce inflammation, enhance immune function, and an overall sense of rejuvenation.

Rediscover balance. Embrace serenity. Book your Cupping Massage experience with us today and experience the transformative power of this ancient Thai practice.


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    The difference mainly lies in the techniques used and the focus of your treatment. If you wish to get comfort and relief from tensed muscles you can go for a Spa Massage. Spa Massage treatment is more focused on uplifting your mood and overall bodily re-energization. On the contrary, Thai Deep Tissue Massage is more focused on healing you physically and helping you to mentally relax. A spa treatment can be done by almost anyone, but a Thai Deep Tissue Massage requires a trained expert who has knowledge of this technique and an understanding of body joints, muscles, and connective tissues.

    Thai Deep Tissue Massage is great for restoring smooth functioning of body limbs, and blood circulation. Through monitored massage pressure, our massage specialists can optimize the release of chronic pain and thereby harmonize your key body systems. Each client has their own unique circumstances but in most cases, our experience supports that Thai Deep tissue massage is best for a tight back, unless your circumstances are contraindicated for this type of massage.

    It completely depends on the type of service you wish to avail and the severity of your body stiffness. Generally, the time span for a Massage appointment is usually 1 hour, however, we can accommodate sessions from 30 to 90 minutes.

    Eat light and stay hydrated. This will help you feel the massage/spa experience at its fullest. Communicate your treatment needs to your massage specialist. Remember you can only get the best massage experience when your massage specialist clearly understands your treatment goals.

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